Windfall fines update 1
Typical English orchard |
My Departmental staff have drawn to my attention that Minimum Flock and Herd Levels (MFHLs) would need to be set to avoid abuse of the Sheep and Pig Exemption (SPE). Otherwise anyone could avoid the tax with any doddering old ram (DOR) in their orchard. Following publication of draft MFHLs, the Department received representations from the Society for the Preservation of Ancient and Historic Orchards (SPAHO) pointing out that some historic varieties of apple and pear trees (APTs) have low cropping ratios (LCRs) and that they consequently require a lower flock or herd level to consume the likely Total Windfall Amount (TWA). (Why are shepherds called shepherds when they look after flocks? A Departmental Working Group (DWG) is currently examining this question and will be reporting in 2015.) The Department has also received a vigorous communication from the Guild of Goose and Swanherds (GGS) complaining that their exclusion from the SPE or similar scheme will cause the elimination of historic goose varietiess (HGVs) that have roamed the nation's orchards for centuries and form part of our historic heritage (HH). I have therefore announced a Listening Pause (LP) in the legislative process, following which I shall proceed with my original intention (POI).